Ultrasound Physics And Instrumentation (DMS145)120 Hours

  • This course is an introduction to the principles of ultrasound physics, instrumentation, and theory relevant to the Ultra sonographer. Concepts discussed will include math for physics review; ultrasound physics; transducer construction and characteristics; sound beam formation and characteristics; instrumentation; image storage and display; Doppler instrumentation and principles; artifacts and bio-effects.
  • Students will gain the knowledge and understanding of acoustical physics and ultrasound instrumentation.
  • Comprehend Doppler ultrasound principles.
  • Explore the interaction between ultrasound and tissue and the probability of biological effects in clinical examinations.
  • Students will apply knowledge and understanding of the fundamental elements to implement a quality assurance improvement program, protocols, and general procedural functions of an ultrasound laboratory.
  • Recognize various types of transducers and their applications.

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