Catalog Disclaimer

The provisions of this publication are not to be regarded as an irrevocable contract between the student and the school. The school, through appropriate action, reserves the right to change any provision or requirement at any time within the student’s term of attendance. AMAT reserves the right to change fees, policies, regulations, and calendar or to revise programs of study as deemed necessary and desirable. Any such changes would only occur provided they are within the terms and conditions of the enrollment agreement between AMAT and the student. Additionally, no undue hardship or disruption to the program of study would be placed upon the student. AMAT also reserves the right to delay and/or cancel a program start when the number of students scheduled to start is too small economically to start the class. A student may elect to accept the new start date or have all monies refunded, if applicable. AMAT offers equal opportunity without distinction or discrimination based on race, color, gender, religion, age, marital status, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability in any of its activities or employment practices. Please be advised that the State Education Department separately licenses all teaching personnel and independently approves all programs/courses and curricula offered. Therefore, it is possible that programs/courses/curricula listed in the school catalog may not be approved at the time that a student enrolls in the school, or the teaching personnel listed in the catalog may have changed. It is again recommended that you check with the Education Director to determine if there are any changes in the program/courses/curricula offered or the teaching personnel listed in the catalog.