Rules & Policies of AMAT
Computer Usage Agreement:
• Acknowledgment of ethical and legal behavior while using computers and the internet.
• Agreement to use resources for academic purposes only.
• Awareness of monitoring of computer and internet usage, with potential disciplinary actions for unethical or illegal actions.
Authorization for Imaging Release:
• Granting the institution (AMAT) the authority to use photographic portraits, pictures, or videos for various purposes.
• Waiving the right to inspect or approve the finished products or their use.
• Confirmation of being of full age and having the right to grant this release.
Student Program Handbook Acknowledgement:
• Acknowledgment of receiving a Student Program Handbook or knowing where to obtain it online.
• Acceptance of the responsibility to follow the rules and procedures outlined in the handbook.
• Understanding that policies in the Student Program Handbook do not replace those in the AMAT Student Handbook or Catalog.
• Awareness of the need to adhere to the policies and procedures of clinical affiliates.
Drug Policy Consent:
• Voluntary consent to drug and alcohol testing.
• Authorization for the testing agency to release results to AMAT.
• Understanding that test results may be used to confirm eligibility for the program and for participation in clinical classes.
• Acknowledgment that test results will be kept confidential and positive results may be disclosed to appropriate parties.
• Awareness that testing positive for drugs or alcohol may result in immediate dismissal from the program.
Book / Uniform Policy
AMAT will buy the books and the uniform and each student will be required to pay for the book and the uniform.
Rules and Regulations
• Student must wear the school uniform during classroom hours.
• Students must be on time on a daily basis and complete all assignments given by the teacher.
• Students will maintain exceptional hygiene etiquette.
• Excess lateness is not tolerated and can result in disciplinary action.
• Under no circumstance is eating or drinking permitted in the Lab.
• Beepers and cell phones must be turned off during classes.
• Students must notify the teacher of any leave of absence and/or employment opportunities, which will delay your schedule and or graduation.
• Students must bring their assigned books on a daily basis to class.
• Students are not permitted to bring their children to class.
• Students must maintain their workstations clean and are responsible for their computer stations Any damage to your assign computer station should be reported immediately to your teacher.
• Bathrooms must be maintained clean and in order.
• Students must notify the teacher in order to make up any missed classes.
• Students are held responsible during any absenteeism. Students must call the School when they are out.
• Students must submit all supporting documentation mandated by the Federal Government guidelines prior to starting their classes.
• No smoking or drinking any alcoholic beverages on school premises. Sexual harassment will result in immediate dismissal from School.
• No student is allowed to be in the laboratory without an instructor present this can cause dismissal from the school.
• I understand that my program has a curriculum that approaches different scope of practices within my field of study. Upon graduation my career can lead to a variety of employment within my field. Employment can be assigned by specialty, departments and groups. I’m solely responsible for conducting a search about this career’s scope of practices, compensation and assignations.
Austin Medical Assistant Training is not responsible of the type of employment and or compensation I accept upon graduation. Therefore, under no circumstance there will be litigations against Austin Medical Assistant Training in regards to employment and employment
Classroom Rules and Policies
Respect self, others and learning environment. I expect each student in the class to be adult in his or her behavior and to treat the other students and the teacher with the respect that he or she expects to receive. Each student is expected to follow directions and be on task. Follow all school rules and policies as outlined in the Student.
Utilize time efficiently and stay on task. Be in assigned seat and completing warm-up activity when class begins.
Learn and be open to new learning. Pay attention and take part in class activities. Participate and ask questions. This means that you may not work on other assignments, sleep, eat, groom, chat, write notes, text or take care of extracurricular matters, etc., unless given specific permission. You can’t learn if you don’t participate.
Every day is a new day; don’t dwell on past mistakes. If you do not understand the material, take the time to come to tutoring and keep trying
Supplies are necessary! Bring them to class every day. Bring your supplies and student ID card to class daily.
Have proper manners.
- Teasing, making fun of, bullying, or rudeness in general towards anyone will not be tolerated.
- You will use polite speech and body language when talking to each other and teachers.
- Do NOT say “shut up" and do NOT call others stupid…etc…
- Do respect other people’s belongings things. Don’t take, break,or deface things.
- Don’t throw things. The trash can is NOT a basketball hoop. As you leave at the end of class, gently drop your trash in the can.
- Raise your hand when you have something to say. Don’t just blurt out answers.
Use appropriate language.
- No foul language, regardless of what language you may be speaking. Use “the Grandma filter."
- Strive to use proper English, not slang.
Be ready
- Focus on classwork, not on socializing.
- NO Cell phones, iPods, etc.
- Ask questions about the lesson if you don’t understand something about it.
- Participate in the lesson.
- DO HOMEWORK and turn it in in a timely manner.
Be responsible.
- It is up to you to get missed work and notes.
- I will not chase after you to get missed tests or to make corrections.
- Bring paper, pencils, erasers, etc. to every class.
The instructor is in charge of the course. This includes assignments, due dates, methods and standards of grading, and policies regarding attendance, tardiness, late assignments, outside conferences, etc.
- The instructor is in charge of the classroom. This includes the times and extent to which he or she allows questions or discussion, the level of respect with which he or she and other students are to be treated, and the specific behaviors he or she will allow within their classes. Open discussion of an honest opinion about the subject of a course is encouraged, but the manner in which the class is conducted is a decision of the instructor.
- An instructor is entitled to maintain order in his or her class and has an obligation to other students to do so. Toward that end, an instructor is authorized and expected to inform a student that his or her behavior is disrupting a class and to instruct the student to stop that behavior. If the student persists, the instructor is authorized to direct the student to leave the class. If the student fails to comply with a directive to leave the class, the instructor may call Public Safety to assist with the student’s removal.
- If a student persists in a pattern or recurrent disruptive behavior, then the student may be subject to administrative action up to and including an involuntary withdrawal from the course
Conduct Policy
A student found to have committed any of the following violations of the school’s policy will be subject to a range of penalties up to and including termination and legal prosecution at the discretion of the administration:
Abusive behavior:
- Physical, verbal, harassment, and sexual assault to any faculty, staff, or other students
- Alcohol and any illegal substance: use, possession, sale, distribution, public intoxication
Breach of Peace:
- Disorderly, Disruptive, indecent behavior
- Possession of weapons or explosives
- Property damage, vandalism, and theft: destruction, damage, misuse
Cheating on a school examination
- Exhibiting violence, insubordination, or inappropriate language toward any school staff, faculty, or student Audio/Video recording during the classroom lecture or lab Cell phone usage during lectures or labs Unprofessional Conduct
Probation Policy
Probation is a formal warning to the student concerning their performance in a particular area. At the time the student is placed on probation, an improvement plan will be developed and the probationary period set. Students may be placed on probation for the following reasons:
- Academic –Any subject with a grade below an 80% or a 70% (physics). Counseling will occur at the first signs of academic difficulties. Students failing any class must appear before the Review Board to determine continuance in the program and course of action.
- Clinical –Any clinical rotation with a failing grade of 80% or below or poor evaluation must appear before the Review Board to determine continuance in the program and course of action. If the student is removed from a clinical site for a reason that violated the clinical site’s policies or DMS Handbook Policies, the student will receive a failing grade in that clinical education course. With this failing grade, the student must appear before the Review Board to determine continuance in the program and course of action.
- Clinical Participation – Probation will be issued when the student exceeds the maximum amount of non-participation from their clinical assignment. When a student does not participate in their clinical assignment in excess of the required semester hours the student must appear before the Review Board, if they would like to remain in the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program. If the student fails to appear before this board on the scheduled time, automatic dismissal will result.
- Behavioral –Poor attitude, poor interpersonal relationships, hygiene, lack of initiative, sleeping in class, etc. Counseling will occur at the first signs of behavioral difficulties and a plan of action will be developed. Students failing to meet the requirements set forth in the plan of action must appear before the Review Board to determine continuance in the program.
- Essential Qualifications –Student regularly fails to meet the Essential Qualifications for the Diagnostic Medical Sonographer Program. Counseling will occur at the first signs of difficulties and a plan of action will be developed. Students failing to meet the requirements set forth in the plan of action must appear before the Review Board to determine continuance in the program. Coordinator and Program Director. At that time the student will be removed from probation or required to appear before the Review Board.
Measures taken when a student fail to maintain SAP
ü Early signs of unsatisfactory academic progress are reported by the instructor
ü A student scoring below 75 should be directed to the program director and
an academic improvement plan may be needed
ü A case by case study should be done by the school official to help the student achieves
his/her academic goals
ü Program director, academic coordinator, medical advisor and a legal advisor may be
involved to develop an applicable plan
ü The plan should consider, but not limited to:
a. tutoring,
b. counseling,
c. rescheduling course/ program hours,
d. use of new teaching strategies and technologies, and
e. use of library resources
ü A follow up from the program director and academic support team should be
maintained for the subsequent courses / programs
Probation due to unsatisfactory academic progress:
is applicable in these situations:
ü Cumulative G.P.A. below a 2.0 in a specific course for 2 times
ü Cumulative G.P.A. below a 2.0 in 2 different courses within a quarter
ü Completed hours less than 85% in a course
§ At the time the student is placed on probation, an improvement plan will be developed and the
probationary period set
§ Depending on the student progress during probation, the appropriate procedure is followed:
1. The student returns to good standing:the probation is removed
2. The student continues “Unsatisfactory Academic Progress”: the student is terminatedfor
“Unsatisfactory Academic Progress”. The Students will be sent a letter advising them of
their status and offers the opportunity to appeal
In response to the student appeal, one of two actions may be applied:
a. Continued Academic Probation: upon approvalof the Appealin order to give the
student a chance to return to good standing. The student will get an approval letter
for the appeal and be advised of continued probation status of the next course(s)
b. Termination:upon failure to Appeal or Denial of the Appeal.
Appeal process for a“SAP-based” disciplinary action
The students who received a disciplinary action or termination underSAP policy have the right to appeal as follows:
1. The student must submit a typed letter to the Program Director within five (5) days from the date of the action. This letter must contain the student information, the course/ program title, explanation of the disciplinary action and reasons why the student is wishing to appeal
2. The student must provide supportive documentation along with the letter in order to support the appeal and prove any mitigating circumstances that may have existed
3. The Program Director will hear any student who appeals a “SAP-decision” on an appointment basis only
4. The Program Director will discuss the case with the Campus Director
5. The Campus Director’s decision shall be final
6. The student will be notified of the Campus Director’s decision within fifteen (15) business days following the receipt of the student’s appeal letter
Reinstatement policy for a “SAP-based” terminated student
§ A terminated student due to unsatisfactory academic progress is allowed one and only one chance to appeal for “Reinstatement”
a. The application is for “re-entry”, if submitted within 3 months of dismissal
b.The application is for “re-admission”, if submitted within 1 year or longer of dismissal
ü The student appeal must follow the above-mentioned steps including explanation of the mitigating circumstances that contributed to the academic termination and how these circumstances have been remedied or changed
ü Examples of events that may be considered “a mitigating circumstance” include but are not limited to:
a. death of an immediate relative,
b. student hospitalization,
c. divorce proceedings,
d. previously undocumented disability,
e. natural disaster,
f. financial hardship such as foreclosure or eviction, and others
Reinstatement will be determined on a case-by-case basis by school director. Previous academic performance and financial history will be considered.
Graduation Requirements
To graduate, a student must complete all program/ courses, including projects and exams, with grades specified under the Grading Policy. Students will be able to graduate with a certificate if a cumulative grade point average of at least a 2.0 and satisfactory attendance has been achieved.
Attendance Policy
Students are expected to be in class for the prescribed number of hours for which they have enrolled. Continuous absences, which, in the opinion of the faculty and administration, hinder educational objectives and result in unsatisfactory achievement which may lead to termination of the student’s enrollment. Absences for acceptable personal or medical reasons will not lead to termination although the student’s projected date of graduation may have to be revised. Excessive lateness and leaving early will be counted as absences. AMAT attendance policy is based on a percentage of course hours attended. Poor attendance, tardiness, or early departure can substantially affect the student’s ability to master the knowledge and skill objectives for satisfactory completion of the course. Consistent absence will affect the final grade thereby affecting the cumulative grade point average and putting the student at risk of falling below satisfactory progress standards.
The following documented absences will be considered on appeal for excused absences in calculating final course “module” attendance:
• Mandated legal appointment
• Court appearance with subpoena provided
• Probation appointment with a letter from probation officer provided
• Jury duty with summons provided
• Military duty with a copy of orders provided
• Illness (self or family) with doctor’s note containing an original signature. Students should understand that non-illness appointments (preventive visits, follow-ups, well-baby, etc.) are typically expected by employers to be made outside of work hours and therefore AMAT suggests the student do the same while in school
• Agency caseworker appointment with a letter from caseworker
• Bereavement accompanied with an obituary or death certificate
Permission to make-up the time exceeding the 15% limit is determined in consultation with the instructor with final approval from the Director of Education. Any further incidents of missed class will result in failure of the course. In rare cases, instructors may recommend additional make-up work or passing a student who has failed to meet the attendance requirement if there are extenuating circumstances involved and the student otherwise meets the academic requirements for passing the course. The School Director must agree to the exception. Good attendance and timeliness are important workplace skills and are crucial to educational programs with a strong hands-on, practical component. Students are made aware of these policies at orientation and on the first day of all classes. Late arrival, early departure and lateness returning from breaks are also incorporated into the cumulative absence and can result in a possible course failure. Tardiness or leaving class prior to dismissal will result in that time being considered absent to the nearest quarter-hour following the lateness or the preceding quarter-hour for leaving early. Continued lack of attendance may result in further disciplinary action including suspension or dismissal as a violation of the school’s standards of conduct. The Director of Education and School President will make the dismissal decision based upon recommendations from the instructor and department chair.
Students who are absent 14 consecutive calendar days in any course will be considered to have withdrawn from the course unless the student has contacted the school during this period of absence to indicate their intention to return.
– A student will be placed on probation if at the end of any courses they have completed less than 85% of their scheduled hours within their academic program. Once on probation, a student will have the following courses to improve their attendance above 85% of the scheduled hours. If at the end of the second consecutive quarter a student is still below the 85% threshold, Austin Medical Assistant Training has the right to dismiss the student for unsatisfactory progress.
– Students are required to complete 85% of their clinical hours. Students will not be considered to have completed their clinical externships until the site supervisor has certified all required attendance hours. It is the responsibility of the student to provide the school with a time sheet signed by the clinical site supervisor documenting clinical hours completed for a week no later than Monday of the following week.
Special Conditions
A. Medical Assistant Program And Diagnostic Medical Sonographer
The classroom teacher maintains the attendance roster. The attendance roster is kept at the schoolat all times. If a substitute teacher is used, the substitute must initial the day’s attendance.
Attendance will be taken in the following manner:
1. Approximately ten minutes after class begins
2. Approximately ten minutes before class ends
The student will not be able to repeat more than one course per quarter due to absences.
A student will be placed on probation if at the end of any courses they have completed less than 85% of their scheduled hours within their academic program. Once on probation, a student should contact the academic support team to follow their directions in order to fix this non-compliance with the attendance policy.
Measures taken when a “MA or DMS” student drops
If the student absent for 14 days consecutively without notifying the school, the student will be considered dropped. The school will contact the student by telephone and in writing and formally advise the student of this status. Results will be recorded on the Absent/Drop Form. If appropriate, the student will be informed that a leave of absence status is available. The student will also be informed that the tuition paid will remain valid unless there has been a significant financial or educational change to the program, in which case, extra tuition will be charged. respond in writing and provide reasons for withdrawal. The results will be recorded in the Absent/Drop Record Form.
B. Nursing Assistant/Nurse AIDE, Phlebotomy Certificate, Electrocargiograph And Medical Billing & Coding Programs
The classroom teacher maintains the attendance roster. The attendance roster is kept at the school at all times. If a substitute teacher is used, the substitute must initial the day’s attendance. Attendance will be taken in the following manner:
1. Approximately ten minutes after class begins
2. Approximately ten minutes before class ends
If absent a first time, that student will be contacted by phone and the results will be recorded on the Absence/Drop Record Form.
Ifabsent a second time, the student will be contacted by telephone and in writing and will be advised of possible consequences. A copy of the same letter will be given to the student the next time the student comes to class, at which time the student must sign the Absence/Drop Record Form acknowledging receipt of the letter.
If absent a third time, the student will be informed in writing that the course must be repeated and the student will be subject to paying additional tuition for the repeat. The student will not be able to repeat more than one course per program due to absences.
Measures taken when a “PH, EKG OR MBC” student drops
Ifthe student absent for5 days consecutively without notifying the school, the student will be considered dropped. The school will contact the student by telephone and in writing and formally advise the student of this status. Results will be recorded on the Absent/Drop Form. The student will also be informed that the tuition paid will remain valid, unless there has been a significant financial or educational change to the program, in which case, extra tuition will be charged. The school will then request that the student respond in writing and provide reasons for withdrawal. The results will be recorded in the Absent/Drop Record Form.
Make-up Work
Classroom work missed because of an absence can be made up through arrangement with the Instructor and the School Director. The student is responsible for initiating any request to make up work missed because of class absence. Make-up work, however, does not remove an absence. Absences more than 15% of instructional hours must be made up in supervised work, documented by faculty, in order for the student to receive credit. Attendance at make-up sessions will be permanently recorded in an attendance register maintained by the instructor. All makeup hours for a course must be made up before the end of the course. Permission to make-up the time exceeding the 15% limit is determined in consultation with the instructor with final approval from the Director of Education. Any further incidents of missed class will result in failure of the course. In rare cases, instructors may modify additional make-up work for student who has failed to meet the attendance requirement if there are extenuating circumstances involved and the student otherwise meets the academic requirements for passing the course. The School Director must agree to any exceptions. Good attendance and timeliness are important workplace skills and are crucial to educational programs with a strong hands-on, practical component. Students are made aware of these policies at orientation and on the first day of all classes.
Late arrival, early departure and lateness returning from breaks are also incorporated into the cumulative absence and can result in a possible course failure. Tardiness or leaving class prior to dismissal will result in that time being considered absent to the nearest quarter-hour following the lateness or the preceding quarter-hour for leaving early. Continued lack of attendance may result in further disciplinary action including suspension or dismissal as a violation of the school’s standards of conduct. The Director of Education and School President will make the dismissal decision based upon recommendations from the instructor and department chair.Students are required to make up any missed hours. Make-up hours will be charged an hourly.
Leave of Absence
The following conditions may be considered for leave of absence: medical (including pregnancy), family care (including unexpected loss of childcare and medical care of family), military duty, and jury duty. Any student who must take a leave of absence may do so, by submitting letter stating why the student needs to take a leave of absence, to the school administrative. Also, when applicable, and as requested by the administrative, the student wishing to take the leave of absence must submit documented proof for said emergency. Upon meeting these requirements, the school administrative will then decide whether the student may or may not take a leave of absence. Both the administrative and student will document and sign all approvals, disapprovals or solutions. The student will receive a copy for their records as well. A student who takes a leave of absence during any program/ course quarter where the grade of the program/ course will be affected will receive an incomplete grade of “I” for such program/ courses. Once a student retakes the program/ course, the new program/ course grade will replace the incomplete “I” grade. The total time requested off must not exceed 30 days (cumulative) in a calendar period. Students must be in good academic standing to be eligible to apply for a Leave of Absence. Students must be current on their monthly payment plan, as appropriate, and continue making any regularly scheduled tuition payments during the time that they are on an approved Leave of Absence. A student returning from LOA must be evaluated by the campus before returning and will only be allowed to return to the program at the beginning of the module. Students who do not return from the LOA on the scheduled return date indicated on the LOA Request Form will be automatically withdrawn from the school effective that date and will be charged as outlined in the refund policy described in the school catalog and Enrollment Agreement.
Once the student has been accepted the student or the school may cancel the Enrollment Agreement before the class start date. All monies are refunded if the student cancels within seven business days after the agreement has been accepted by the school. If the cancellation is not received in writing or occurs after seven business days, only monies paid in excess of the enrollment fee will be refunded. All monies will be refunded if the school cancels a course before the class start date.
Students may cancel the Enrollment Agreement any time after the class start-date by informing the Education Director in writing of their intent to withdraw. However, regardless of whether or not the student provides written notice, a refund calculation will be performed when necessary. The school may cancel the agreement after the class start date for non-payment of tuition, unsatisfactory academic performance, absenteeism or disruptive or unethical behavior
Dismissal From School
Unlawful possession, use or distribution of firearms, drugs, or alcohol on school property is strictly prohibited and may subject the student to sanctions under local, state, and federal law. The school reserves the right to dismiss a student for any of the following reasons:
• Verbal or physical abuse of faculty, staff, or another student.
• Attendance does not meet school requirements.
• Academic Progress does not meet school standards.
• Financial obligations are not maintained.
• Verbal or physical actions contrary to the objectives of the school including insubordination toward staff, intimidation of students, staff, or others who may be in or near the school, retribution for real or imagined injury, the use of intoxicating liquor or illegal drugs, malicious destruction of school or student property, stealing or any other act of this nature.
• School standards of ethics or dress are not observed.
• Any student who involves a third party in an act of intimidation orretribution will be immediately terminated.
• Dismissed students who request re-admittance will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Previous attendance, academic performance, financial history, and general attitude will be considered. Please see director for the appeals process.
Academic Conduct
A student must always conduct themselves in a professional manner. There is absolutely no profanity allowed at any time, or any place on or near the school premises. A student may not verbally or physically threaten or commit violent act(s) or crime(s) against any person, be they instructor, student, employee, or visitor. Based on the circumstances of the situation of misconduct, a student will either;
• Be asked to leave the school for a day
• Placed on probation for a term or be dismissed permanently by the school.
The Following Are Unacceptable And Will Not Be Tolerated
· All forms of bias including race, religion, ethnicity, gender, disability, national origin and creed as demonstrated through verbal, written communication and physical acts. Sexual harassment including hostile environment and quid pro quo (forcing an individual to perform sexual favors in return for something).
• All types of dishonesty, including cheating, plagiarism, and knowingly furnishing false information to the institution and forgery alteration or use of institution documents of identification with intent to defraud.
• Intentional disruption or obstruction of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, public meeting and programs, or other then school activities.
• Physical abuse of any person on school premises or at functions sponsored or supervised by the school.
• Theft or damage to the school premises or damage to the property of a member of the school community on the school premises.
• Failure to comply with directions of institutional officials acting in the performance of their duties.
• Violation of the law on school premises in a way that affects the school community’s pursuit of its proper educational objectives. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of alcoholic beverages and/or controlled dangerous substances on school premises.
• No Smoking / No Drugs / Drinking alcoholic beverages in premises.
In cases of violent acts or crimes committed, The Austin Medical Assistant Training has the right to pursue and prosecute the student(s) and or person(s) involved, to the fullest extent of the law. A student/person, who is asked to leave the premises of the school and refuses to do so voluntarily, will be escorted off the premises by Police. The Austin Medical Assistant Training will apply these methods to ensure safety for everyone and to create an atmosphere where education is the primary goal. Academic dismissal will be based on student’s academic progress and attendance as described under attendance, conduct, and probation policies. A student who has been dismissed has the right to appeal to the School Director, if they feel that their situation merits individual attention due to unusual circumstances that contributed to their failure of a program/ course. The student must write to the School Director stating the reason for the appeal. The letter must state;
• The unusual circumstances the student feels caused the failure, and
• What they have done or plan to do to alleviate the problems they have had in academic performance.
The School Director may request additional information or documentation in support of the student’s request. The performance of a student appealing an academic dismissal is been reviewed by the Academic Board. The academic Board is composed of the student’s instructor, a senior faculty member and the School Director. Every area of the student’s performance is been explored, and a decision concerning the request is made at the end of the review. The Academic Board has the final decision on student performance issues and may implement conditions for the student’s continuation in the program/course
Complaint Procedure
The school has its own complaint department onsite. The department ensures the students know their rights and help them if any issue arises during their schooling. If any issue arises the complaining departments suggest to:
1. Student should first bring the matter to the attention of the instructor.
2. If the student is not satisfied at this level or if the student for some reason feels unable to bring the matter first to the attention of the instructor, the matter should then be brought to the complaint department and to the attention of the School Director.
Non-discrimination Disclaimer
AMAT does not discriminate According to Race,Color,Religion, Ethnic and gender.
Device Policy
Personal, on-campus use of audio and image recording equipment must have the written authorization of the school President or Director of Education. In addition, it is required that any authorized person secure the approval of the person they are recording prior to use of the devices(s). The equipment/device(s) include, but are not limited to: cell phone cameras, digital and still cameras, motion picture cameras, video cameras, analog and digital tape recorders, solid state digital recording devices or any device capable of recording sound and/or image. Use of audio and image recording devices for personal use without authorization are considered intrusions to academic, management, and student communities. No personal is to charge their devices at the institute. Violation of this policy may be cause for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from school.
Refund Policy
Refunds owed on a student account will be paid directly to the Student. Refunds, when due, are made without requiring a request from the student. The institution shall have a fair and equitable refund policy for the refund of tuition, fees, and other institutional charges in the event the institution cancels a class or if a student does not enter or does not complete the period of enrollment for which the student has been charged. All of the following are elements of a fair and equitable plan:
A. The institution’s refund policy must be published in the catalog and be uniformly administered.
B. Refunds, when due, must be made without requiring a request from the student.
C. Refunds, when due, shall be made within 30 days:
(1) Of the last day of attendance if written notification of withdrawal has been provided to the institution by the student. If a written notification is not submitted to the institution in a timely manner then there can be a delay on the refund or
(2) From the date the institution terminates the student or determines withdrawal by the student.
D. Retention of tuition and fees collected in advance for a student who does not commence class shall not exceed $100.
E. Once the student has received books and supplies the school will not accept any books and supplies back. Students that loses or damages any book or supply the student may purchase from the school as prices listed below. Students are responsible for fees of any received books and/or supplies from the school if they cancel or are terminated from the program/ course.
F. All refunds will be issued via check: Tuitions and fees can be received via check, credit card, cash, and/or money order but refunds will only be issued via check.
Refunds For Classes Canceled By The Institution
If tuition and fees are collected prior to the start date of a program and the institution cancels the class, 100 % of the tuition and fees collected must be refunded. The refund shall be made within 30 days of the planned start date.
Refunds For Students Who Withdraw On Or Before The First Day Of Class
If tuition and fees are collected prior to the start date of classes and the student does not begin classes or withdraw on the first day of classes, no more than $100 of the tuition and fees may be retained by the institution. The registration fee is nonrefundable appropriate refunds for a student who does not begin classes shall be made within 30 days of the class start date.
Refunds For Students Enrolled Prior To Visiting The Institution
Students who have not visited the school facility prior to enrollment will have the opportunity to withdraw without penalty within three days following either attendance at a regularly scheduled orientation or following a tour of the facilities and inspection of the equipment.
Refund Policy
Tuition Refunds shall be provided to students in the form of a check and must be picked up by the student. If the tuition was paid through a Loan Program, the tuition refund will be directly provided to the loan institution only. Students can request confirmation of the tuition refund.
1. AMAT will financially hold responsible and charge to the student’s account, any student that by evidence is confirmed to have broken, damaged or lost school property.
2. Upon successful completion of the course and satisfaction of all monetary obligations, AMAT will award the student a Certificate of Completion.
3. While placement services may be provided, it is understood that the school cannot promise or guarantee employment to any student or graduate.
A. A student who cancels within 7 days of signing the enrollment agreement but before instruction begins receives all monies returned except for the non-refundable registration fee.
B. Thereafter, a student will be liable for
1. The non‑refundable registration fee plus,
2. The cost of any textbooks or supplies accepted plus,
3. Tuition liability as of the student’s last date of physical attendance.
4. Tuition liability is divided by the number of quarters in the program. Total tuition liability is limited to the quarter during which the student withdrew or was terminated, and any previous quarters completed
Procedure for Reporting Incidents
In the event of an incident or injury while on the job or attending the Austin Medical Assistant Training, the following procedure must be followed:
The incident must be reported to the School Director within 24 hours of occurrence.
1. Depending on the nature and extent of the incident, the School Director must refer the injured party to an appropriate health care facility.
2. Provisions are made to transport the injured party to the facility. This may be done by summoning EMS or by having someone to take the person there.
3. The School Director must investigate the extent of the incident. If there were witnesses available, the Director should get their names and addresses on the Incident Report Form.
4. The School Director must follow-up with the injured person and the health care facility.
5. The School Director must document all findings. A copy should be placed in the employee/student’s file.