Pharmacology (MA 137) 30 hours

A study of the classification and administration of medications, with a focus on safety, accuracy, and skill development. Topics include medication preparation, patient education, common medications and side effects, and proper documentation and inventory.

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to do the following:

* Discuss the medical assistant’s role in administering and dispensing drugs.

*  Explain the basic actions of drugs in the body.

* Differentiate the various types of effects of drugs in the body.

* Explain the differences between prescription and over-the-counter drugs.

* List safety guidelines that must be followed when drugs are administered.

* Describe the various drug classifications and give examples of each.

* Explain the legal guidelines for prescribing and administering controlled substances.

* Discuss the parenteral administration of medications.


Student performance will be evaluated relative to knowledge, skills, and professional behavior.  Exams, quizzes, and projects will provide evidence of success in meeting the course objectives.


Grade Grade Points Percentage
A 4.00 90-100
B 3.00 80-89
C 2.00 75-79
D Not used
F 0 Below 75
W 0 Withdrawal
Grading Criteria Percentage %
Class Participation/ Home Works 20%
Attendance 20%
Practical Final Examination 20%
Quizzes 20%
Final Examination 20%
Total 100%

Note: A grade of 75% is required for successful completion of the course