Entrance Counseling
If you decide to take out a Federal Direct Loan as a part of your educational investment, managing the debt you incur is a major responsibility. To ensure that you understand this responsibility and the obligation you are assuming, the Federal Government requires you to participate in loan counseling, called “Entrance Counseling,” prior to receiving a direct loan.

You can perform your entrance counseling session online. You must have a student FAFSA ID to complete the process. Entrance counseling is required before your loan can be disbursed.
For More Information:
Go to the link below to complete your Entrance Counseling online:

Federal Direct Loan - Exit Counseling
As per Federal law, once a student borrower ceases to be enrolled at least half-time (12 clock hours), you must complete an exit counseling session in order to inform the lender and/or loan servicer of any changes to contact information, as well as be informed as to repayment options and responsibilities.
If you had any student loans, including those that may have been taken while you were a student at another school, those loans will be included in your exit counseling session.
For More Information:
Go to the link below to complete your Exit Counseling online